Love is an element that is original and multifaceted. It brings purpose to our lives. It is the foundation of all things in the universe. It is the spirit and glue that binds one and all in a symphonic overture that creates the harmony and patented representation of a holistic aspect of well-being.
We treasure the multifaceted and resourceful nature of a love that brings the universe, and all its corresponding energies into the maelstrom of human thought and processes. We are the sum total of all that is of love—the ephemeral nature of a discoid and elongated trajectory–that finds promise in the evolution into tiny atoms and specks of matter arranged as a conglomeration of material and immaterial composites.
We render those profligate emanations into forms that exhibit the true nature of the many aspects of an evolutionary force that compels the energies to interact in contravention of the dilatory and contractual energies that they emit. We seek to render these forces into a molecular structure that inhabits the essence of all things–the true essence of love. In the ensuing combinations that interact within the paradigm of love, we begin to see the genesis of the forms that inhabit our inner and outer worlds.
The hypotheses that render a formulaic instruction of the elements that construct the building blocks will always bring into common parlance, the definitions of a multipolar and exothermal existence. It is in the radical elements of light and love that we begin to see the totality of all things–the Source of all things: that is love. We cease to be the love that is in and of everything, when we bring the manifold introspective and native dalliance to the anticipated and divine aspects of thought. For thought is the indistinct and reverential impulse that insinuates: that we are sentient beings that aspire to introduce a silent aspect within our being.
Yet, we understand that thought is an aspect of the Father guiding us with love. We believe that thought analysis brings forth the many choices or answers that we eventually bring to bear on the issues we face. We are inspired by a frame of reference to seek the vision that brings clarity to a situation. Yet, the choices are defined by our motivations and levels of dimensional pursuit within the framework of a never-ending patrimony, inspired by the love that is ours to share.
In the afterglow of an enigmatic and blatantly insignificant paradox, we find that the images of love portrayed by the many and effluent editions–that purport to understand the miracle that is love–begin to stratify the many relationships that are endowed by a love instinct to develop a relational tone. It is ever, the understated animation of a synthetic yet inspiring emotion that begets the frailties that co-exist within the human elemental frame of reference. This multiplies exponentially within the confines of a refrain–that exacerbates the myriad intonations that comply with the thought process–of a singularity within the varied aspects of tried and true denominational and spiritual imbroglio.
Whenever the spiritual and emotional aspects intertwine, the many and varied aspects of a love that is divine become the interplay within the scientific and psychological emanations that exist within the field of a Jurassic engagement to wither on scrutiny. The ten-fold purpose that is designed to enframe the purpose of a well-aligned and remarkable output within the field of science brings into sharp relief, the individual structure of a love that must be the framework of all existence.
It is in the distance that we perceive the actual and the implicit relationship that is condoned by wave-like structures that elicit the energy of love. For love is an energy like no other. It is the rudimentary apparatus that combines with the co-existing elements of dark matter to instruct the natural processes in the dimensional processes of inter-relational expression. The forces of love become a tensile and practical bond that adheres to the filaments of constructive thought. These bring about the many and varied forms that emit the sense of natural tendencies that awaken the spiritual forces within the tangential embodiment of the beauty and spectacle that belies the communal and environmental spaces.
The many particles of co-existence bring forth the adamantine framework of love as an insular yet, profound experience within the many aspects of a life that emerges from the dark matter of existence. The beautiful landscapes that are formed by the movement, assured by love in progress, fields the agoraphobic intentions that pursue a particular and specific connotation to bring forth the love that is in and of everything. It is in the specific nature of love that each principle is seen to exist within the parameters of a free spirit modality, inspired by the faith of the ages, to reflect the images and form expressed in our daily life.
To better to prepare for the distinctive and imaginative sense of a visual field of reference, we bring forth the love that is of love to identify the merits of a scientific and durable engagement within the field of science. Love is the science of existence. It is the framework by which, each individual atom and particle becomes the intentional and aspirational being–that engages love in a process of consistent motion and emotion–to participate in the principles that are the foundation of all things. We, heretofore, expressed the dynamic engagement which allows the finite to be infinite and, in so doing have brought into the light of day, the degrees of intention that expresses the deliberate and insignificant deployments of the element that is love.
We now continue to exemplify the related information that imbues the sense of self with a trajectory that promotes the customs and traditions. These belie the preferences of structural and dynamic changes within the atmospheric and climactic conditions that pervade our surrounding forms of major deliberations to engage the process of mutualism and dualism–the desire to conflate a process that can be perceived as antagonistic to the primal intent.
We see these preferences as something that allow us to engage in relationships with others. Yet, we promote an agenda that bears no relation to the expressed desire of the intentional aspirations and desires that we pursue. It is in the specific engagement that the promise lies, for we are not always specific in our words and deeds. This results in conflicting emotions that create a disturbing influence on the intentional framework of existence.
The interregnum of the debate on love as a science influences the pace of distribution of a worthy acknowledgement within the scholarly domain–that all is love within the precepts of dogmatic and philosophical engineering. Therefore, it is inappropriate to discuss the subject of love without first analyzing the intent of a love that is in and of everything. For in the abstract, we begin to acknowledge that only love can beget love, and love is the precursor and the initiator of all things that flow from love. Since love is everything, then the basis of all things is love, and all things is love.