The energetic and aspirational principles contain the expressions of love. It is necessary to delineate an aspect of love that is always unfolding within the auspices of a divine and pre-eminent agenda. This is the divinity. It ensconces the parameters of a love that is of a varied and extreme authority within the aegis of all that is of love.
There is no comparison that could express the divine nature of a love without end. The populace, however, becomes engaged in a game of existential value. This expresses the somewhat hazy nature of the force that exists within the confines of a natural, resolute, and bio-chemical impression which connotes the very essence of life. It compounds the very thought that existence is the holistic and all-encompassing attribute that enables life to persist within the confines of a divine and universal imprint.
This enables the ever-present elements that engage the process of encounter and disseminating flows that provide for the continuity of all things to be brought forth in a consistent paradigm. This regulates the endemic and natural instincts to adhere to the energetic parameters that engage the divinity that is love.
We now approach the calumny that brings some degree of pathos to the discussion at hand. Love is, by its very nature the root of all things. That by definition, is the entirety of the love that is in all things. To understand this very profound statement, is to step back in time to address the existential implications–that there is nothing that is not love. Love, by its very nature, is the entirety of all existence.
In order to influence the thought process beyond the boundaries of a priori thought, it is necessary to eliminate the heretical implications of a favored status of those, who believe that they are separate and different from all humanity. As expressed by the images of love within the confines of an expressed difference in cellular functions and processes, all are by nature love. For in each individual and combined affectation, we see the unfolding divinity of a love that is of all.
There is no process that distinguishes the elemental purposes of divine intent so markedly represented in all humankind, and every aspect of a natural and benign assignation. This is the expression of a love that is, within the paradigmatic principle, interposed within the many aspects of a divine and sacred pact– that is the love of all. The intentional and spiritual embrace re-imagines the possibilities of an engagement that proceeds unhindered by the manifestations that co-exist. They are determinate of the divine and holistic instigation that proposes–that all of life is in a continuous ebb and flow. In this way, it insinuates the magical and the ethereal parameters that engage a sense of purpose. It is a purpose, interposed by the love that unfolds perpetually within the intricate and delicate features of a love that is divine and is in and of all things.
The purposeful attributions that arouse the need to assuage our nether impulses are always within a balancing and egalitarian affirmation. It proposes that the divinity unfolds within each particle and atom of influence within the existential and foundational elemental indices. These assign the myriad adventures of a purposeful engagement within the diametrically opposing influences that blend in a framework. This inspires all that is of love to become the divine principles, represented by the love that is in and of all things. It is desirous to see the unfolding mysteries of a paragon that is in and of all things and is divine in nature. Yet, it unfolds within the intricate details of each apparent object and subject that is perceived and defined by the influence of a love that is divine.
The divine unfolds in every strata and principle that denotes the process of an evolving excerpt of love that is everything and all-encompassing–within the divine and holistic appurtenances. They contribute to the magnificence and nurturing attributes of an aspirational and tendentious contretemps. These signal that the totality that is existence belongs to the divine, unfolding in a pattern that is consistent yet indistinct in its appearance as the imagery of love in its purest form.
These measures hold the infallible and comprehensive ethos that exists within all that is of love, as the patented and foremost significant entailment of the divine processes that unfold within the adventitious nature of all things. This aspect of the superlative and evolutionary implications is brought forth to contribute to the understanding of the pre-eminence of the divine, as it unfolds throughout the entirety of all existence.