Whew, what a year it has been so far! The past months have been intense and disconcerting. Yet despite it all, it has provided a period of reflection, contemplation, and a motivation to examine the forces that have converged to engage our deliberation on the nature and the state of our co-existence. Thus, it is important to question our awareness of our oneness, and thereby, provide a formulary that delineates love as the unifying element of all.
The world is in disarray. The lives of all rest in the hope for the unity of all peoples. This is not to be confused with that which allows the strength of all that is of love to be harnessed for the good of all. But it must be considered as the miracle that posits that all is love and there is nothing that is not love.
When we believe in the love of All That Is, it becomes the alternative to that which we experience in the disunity and challenges that have become the natural state of being. Love experienced in and of itself is the calming force. It energizes the spirit to feel the ancient and ethical insurgent qualities that devolve to love. We are in a time and space of our choosing. The energetic forces that compel our disparate and conjunctive elemental dynamic, seek to abjure the spirit of an Age besieged by turmoil and destruction.
We are at an eventful and momentous juncture in our life’s journey. As we seek to dispel the contradictions within our body politic, we arrive at a moment when love–the tie that binds one and all–becomes the precursor and the instrument by which, we choose to raise the vibrational pull towards the goal of reaching a state of harmony. A state where equity and justice become the heartbeat of a soul desirous of loving our neighbor as ourselves. However, we can only achieve the movement towards this goal by recognizing that our true nature is love. And as we engage our hearts in this process, we will achieve the enlightenment that is our true north.
The dormancy of the forces that now align, have caused a multiplicity of dynamic and intransigent forces to rise up in a chaos, emblematic of a roaring storm. Yet with each moment, and within each impending simulation, the effectual calm is achieved and the turmoil is spent. We must believe that the future is the moment, and the moment becomes the ensuing travail. And the resulting energetic impulses dispel the need to seethe with anger. Serenity becomes the reality at an already desired juncture where we see in each other, the brotherhood that already exists. Love, in reality, becomes the tormentor and the pacifist simultaneously for love is all there is.
We seek to imbue the reader with a sense of All That Is through exposure to the concepts that lie within the book, The Bond of Love: A Global Affair. It represents the new directional imprimatur of a love without end. Love as an element within the defined and inspired state of being, is the foundational and existential state of being.
We seek to bring love into the marketplace of ideas. For it is only in looking at the role of love within the universe and self will we begin to become the love that is of our essence. Love transmits a global energy that affects all forms of life. It is the vibrational pull of the earth and the universe of which it is a part. It is the macrocosm and the microcosm of all disciplinary entities. It is the impetus that brings love into motion, and the destructive force that breaks down systems as well as rebuild them. It is the ever-renewing sense of self–the doubts, the enigmatic matter that holds us spell-bound, and the emergence of a new dimensional thinking.
We speak of love in elemental ways, and in the spirit of well-being. For it is the afterglow of a transient light, and the evolving moments of life. It brings us peace and happiness, and the warmth of a thousand suns. It appeals to our sense of justice, vengeance, and fears. It is all there is in so many varied and distinct ways. For love is all that is and there is nothing that is not in and of love.
We hear it in the wind, the songs, the beat of each drum, and the melody that each elicits. It is the stars that glimmer in the sky, and the many forms of nature. It is the beauty in the eyes of the beholder, the passion for the many splendid attributes of life and the panorama that unfolds. The love of life and living, the spirit of giving and receiving, these are the elements of love bound up in a package of gifts that abound within the framework of living.
We are a community of souls who seek to bring purpose to our lives in many and varied ways. And each reaches for that ultimate in fulfillment–an evolution to purpose, to see the All fulfilled–a lifetime of longing to be one with each other and with the Source of all things.