It is in the cadences of a sultry and glamorous engagement that we become the arbiters of the ecstasy of a love that flows within and without all existence.
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Love is the master principle at the forefront of the imagined and real assemblages.
The indisputable existential fortune of a distinguishable intent within the paradigmatic determination of love, brings an alignment that creates a forum of aligned thought processes. The idea of a valued imprint of a love spans the demarcated fields of a world of love. This then, becomes the impressionable distinct form. And it also informs of a love that is divisive yet encased within our field of reference. These emotive forms of love bring solace and wonderment to those who seek…..
We are the untold images of a love that is in and of everything. To this enigma, we add the multitude of attributes that regale our idiosyncratic nature in a composition of elaborate and defiant behaviors, ensconced within our primary and uninhibited realities.
The possibilities that exist within the framework of a dialectical that proposes that love is in and of everything, encompass the overwhelming evidence that imbues this message of love with the spiritual and physical components that constitute the imagery of a totality of All That Is.
We are attuned to the invisible nature of an incessant and continuous flow of energy that dwells within and without all of life.
Love is the heartbeat of the soul. It is the many-sided impulses that co-exist within the frame of a receptive and engaging thrust that defines itself as love.
Love, then, is the multiplicity of a love within the divinity of a love that is the creative and existential framework of all of life.
The energetic forces of love belong to the mastery of an element that is brought to the artifice of an angelic and divine prerogative.