The unsettling nature of the response to the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly increased the pathetic and indecisive attitudes towards those, who have been placed in the untenable posture of being in the forefront of caring for those afflicted with Covid-19. Yet, despite it all, the angels of mercy who inhabit this earthly plane have been exemplary in carrying out the responsibility with which, they have been charged. They have taken their role of agents of love to new heights, and the world has gained significant positive vibrations from the love that has been theirs to share.
In the overwhelming and tragic dispensation of caring, there has been a notable conflict in the consensus towards an indispensable and incalculable engagement within the parameters of a world responsiveness. There is no doubt that those who heed the call to care for their fellowman have sounded the clarion call to duty. Yet, it seems unimaginable that those who have participated in denialism have themselves been injured by that which they have denied, though some degree of caring could have ameliorated the timeframe and suffering experienced by those, who have chosen to live in denial of the pain and suffering of others.
This subject is particularly addressed, as it infringes on the principles that will bring the world into unity and love. It is not of a divine impulse to seek to render an admonition within the confines of a just and equitable framework for living, but to seek to dispel the harbingers of a frail and disputable course that paralyzes the natural tendency to heal the brokenness of human existence, in a parody that begins and ends with love.
The nature of love is to seek to be at one with the all, and to dwell within the confines of a heart ensconced in love. It is the act of a love conjointly expressed as the true nature and essence of all. Yet the many aspects of a love that is in and of all things brings forth the tendentious and unassailable intrigues that contemns the mirage of a unified whole. It is in the wholeness that one becomes one with the all. The earth and its people must always seek to be in unison with the teachings of a divine and compelling framework for living . Yet, there are those who imperil the habitations whereby, all aspects of living beings become hostile in an environment that belongs to all.
It is in the nature of a two-fold aspiration that love finds impetus to bring about the healing of a world on the verge of extinction, and where the critical mass who seek to be one with the all must find favor in a joint process to overcome the forces of greed and malice by raising the vibrational energy of love to great heights. And in so doing, these succeed in bringing about the sense of calm and relaxed input– that is a measure of love– that already exists within the manifest destiny of all humankind.
These prognostications can exist mutually within the confines of human habitation, as well as manifest in the longings and natural tendencies of those, who have yet to be awakened to the destiny that lies within reach of all–to be the love that is theirs. It is not without the conciliatory and enfranchising nature that seeks to bring forth the harmonious instincts that dwell within each other, that we could find grace and communion on the scale that allows for the energetic and incidental reasoning that combines in a tenor of radical expression, to fulfill the desires of those, who seek to live in harmony with the earth and its varying expressions of love.
Love is the unifying bond that allows each one to become the demigods of participatory indulgences, and forgo the parallel and inter dimensional state of being in the act of love. The act of love proposes that each person will find his/her own balance. It is in the search for balance that each awakens to his/her abilities and mores. These predisposing intuitions must be collaterally embraced to bring all into abeyance and love, so that the planet could move forward to healing and harmony. The disparate groups that seek to hinder the promise of a world at peace with itself must find the self-sustaining imagery that connotes the love of self, and by so doing, bring balance to the frailties that exist within their being.
In so much as the awakening spirits spring forth from love, so too, do those yet asleep. It is in the shadow of the mountain tops that the pathways to peace and harmony are camouflaged, only to become visible as we begin the trek along those pathways in the climb up the mountainside. For love guides our path to bring us into the light, and those who hearken to the call of love will always enshrine the spirit of love within the hearts of those, who follow the destiny that leads us forth to serve our fellowman.
The destitute and eroding nature that brings the truth to light will always expose the tantrums of injustice and blight. It is in the act of love that each encounters the natural tendency of humankind: to seek to emanate the healing energies enacted by the energetic forces of love–the forces that dwell within our body politic to engage our loving affiliations within the spirit of all emanations of light.
This message of love is brought forth to engage the forces of love–the healers, peacemakers, those that seek justice, and those that feel a oneness with their fellowman–to understand that it is only in engaging a critical mass of oneness that we can ensure that the labors of love will overwhelm the facets of a nether worldly fear.
All in all, the love that is yours to give will be the love that overwhelms the magnitude of a pandemic that tests our strength of will to be among the forces of a love that is in and of everything. The healing spirit of love is a major asset within the holistic nature of all things, and it is the requisite component that engages us in asserting the noble prerogatives of the act of love in all aspects of healing —that of making whole.