It is sublime as well as subliminal. It is the alpha and omega of all that exists within the universe of love, and the paradigmatic entail that assimilates the totality of all that is of love.
Love is the noun, verb, and metaphor of a love that is in and of all things. It is the persona, unseen yet visible in all the meanderings of an ultimate presence. This culminates in the bond of love that is shared by all. Essentially, it is the sacred and divine principles by which true guidance unfolds in a diagrammatic and eloquent design. And it engages the principles that bring comity and interrelated conjunctive processes into alignment with all that is of love .
Love engages the altruistic nature with the divine antecedents in a paramour encounter. Thereby, it intentionally supersedes all that brings an agenda of goodwill and promise into the manifold adjudications of interpersonal encounters.
Yet it is in these moments that the currency of love betrays the dictates of an animus that is attendant to the will of an erroneous conjecture. For all is love and love is all there is within the aegis of a long-suffering and engaging entity. This will bring forth the antecedent franchise of empathy and justice.
The unforeseen deliberations that attend these principles of love will always be the alpha and omega of a love without end. In the auspicious enterprise of a love that guides the universal and elegant phrases of love, we see the indications of a growing consensus towards peace and liberty for all. It is in these eloquent assumptions that engage the human fold that the love that is of all takes precedence. And in so doing, they answer the native affiliations that contend: that all is love and love is all there is.
This surmounts the parameters of any engagement sullied by the intransigence that unfolds in the real-time assumptions of negative and futile energetic conflagrations. These dilemmas that engage the human thought in a parity of weaponry and hostility are the engaging factor that results in a call for peace. This is an effective tool towards the realignment of the forces of love and good will for all is love. And the call to love will always be a preponderous entailment that consummates the promise of a love that is divinely ordered to be the arbiter of love.
It rehabilitates the lingering protracted measures that gainsay the efforts towards realignment for the purpose of equality and order. It is in these realignments that the paradigm shifts towards a universal and global desire to be one with all. Love is and always will be the fulcrum and the lever of all that exists within and without the ambient frames of all that is of love. And it is the foundational element of existence and adhesive property that guides and controls all aspects of life and livelihood. Therefore, it is the alpha and omega of all that exists. And the creative force that conjures all that is of love